Mayor, CM's and ANC Members Officially Open 3 New Restaurants on 9th Street NW

Today saw a unique event, the Mayor officially opening 3 new restaurants, Baby Wale, Thally and Mandalay all in a line along 9th Street NW, and all the ribbon cutting ceremony's within an hour and a half of each other. The brainchild of Alex Padro and the folks at Shaw Main Streets went off without a hitch and gave visitors, press and business community members an opportunity to get close up and personal with all of the principles of the three new jewels in Shaw's crown, and viewing each restaurants unique ambiance and decor.
Mayor Gray was joined by Council Member's Jack Evans, Tommy Wells and Vincent Orange as well as numerous ANC members (the 3 restaurants are in multiple jurisdictions) and the Shaw Main Streets board
Number One - Baby Wale & Owner/Chef Tom Powers -  1124 9th Street
Number Two - Thally & GM/Co-Owner Sherman Outhuok  - 1316 9th Street
Number Three - Mandalay & Chef/Co-Owner Aung Myint - 1501 9th Street

Well the Mayor ran with the scissors down 9th Street, but fortunately not very fast, and actually at a more leisurely pace on what was a beautiful day for a stroll. The Mayor did use the opening speech for the event (at Baby Wale) as an opportunity to trumpet the increase in tourism last year, and balanced that with a short statement on the potential damage that sequestration could have on the district, including that the jobs numbers are now heading in the wrong direction. But everything seemed cordial among the two pretenders (Wells and Evans have declared for Mayor) and the incumbent Mayor as the days positives clearly out-weighed any political stance.

Note: I will put together a "Gallery" of photographs from today's event over the next few days.


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